Welcome to our brand-new brand
As a platform made to connect instructors and learners around the world, Udemy has always been about bringing people together. With our new brand, we’re taking it a step further. From the way we speak to the way we look, it all goes back to our mission to create new possibilities by opening knowledge to all, from all.
We know we’ve made some pretty big changes. But even though our look is different, our commitment to our community of learners, instructors, and businesses remains the same.
Come on, let’s take a little tour.
A logo that points us north
Whether you seek it or share it, knowledge is uplifting. Our logo captures that upward movement with an arrow — a universal symbol for growth. We call ours the Uptick, and we use it to signify the aspiration and advancement of every learner, business, and instructor in our community.
Colors that set the mood
With a bright and optimistic palette, we add a feeling of energy and life to everything we do. Our brand color is a vivid, optimistic shade of purple that reminds us of our promise to create growth and possibilities.
Photography with feeling
Human stories are at the core of our brand, and our photography captures the many positive emotions and outcomes attached to learning. We include a range of age, nationality, gender, and occupation to show what it’s like to learn or teach in a real and relatable way.
Illustrations with meaning
Some moments aren’t easily captured in words or photos. Our imaginative illustration style helps us turn more complicated ideas into something clear and intuitive.
Ready for what’s next?
So what exactly does all this mean? And what does it mean for you? Whether you’re learning or teaching, you’ll feel the changes. Because as beautiful as our new brand is, it’s more than a look. We’re doubling down on everything we do to deliver on our mission to create new possibilities — for everyone.