Hidden gems for October

Hidden GemsIt’s time to take another dive into the Udemy library to unearth some of our lesser-known courses and topics you should be learning about! We present herewith the work of several instructors who want to help you relax, save on travel, look sharp, be a better parent, and make your own timepiece.

screen-shot-2016-10-10-at-3-17-58-pmLearn Watchmaking, the King of All Crafts
In today’s hyper-digitized world there’s something refreshing about wanting to understand the intricate mechanics behind watchmaking. Even if you don’t plan to go ahead and try building your own, you’ll be fascinated to see how master craftspeople work with tiny tools to create accurate timepieces. Instructor Christian Lass, a certified Swiss watchmaker, is eager to share his specialized knowledge.

screen-shot-2016-10-10-at-3-20-11-pmDress to Kill: A Men’s Primer on Style and Fashion
If wearing a hoodie is your idea of impeccable style, instructor Pablo Rosario is here to clean up your act. In his course, you’ll learn how to dress in a way that gives you confidence, so you can command “attention, respect, and admiration” every time you walk in a room. Rosario doesn’t just look sharp—he delivers his style tips in a down-to-earth tone that’s like getting advice from a trusted friend, not the fashion police.

screen-shot-2016-10-10-at-3-22-20-pmThe Manual Labor of Zen Meditation
When you’re browsing courses on meditation, you expect tranquil nature scenes, maybe someone seated in the lotus position with their eyes closed. Instructor Gordon Greene, on the other hand, confronts you with a man splitting lumber, hardly a vision of peace and serenity. As Greene, head priest at Spring Green Dojo, explains, it’s hard work to train your body for zen meditation, but his gentle manner is supportive and his message is inspiring.

funny-girl-sticking-out-tongue-720x340Positive Parenting
Notice the URL of this page, and you’ll get a taste of what instructor Debbie Godfrey, a certified parent educator, covers in her course. She uses fun, entertaining videos to help students understand the power struggles that can arise between parents and children and what can be done to minimize tantrums and tears. As she breaks down examples of patience-testing behaviors, Godfrey keeps a huge smile on her face so you’ll stay motivated and even have some laughs while learning effective parenting techniques.

travel-hackHow to Fly for Free: Master the Points Game & Travel Cheap
Booking travel has gotten so confusing, with different fares listed on different websites and airlines hiding fees til it’s checkout time. Instructor Daniel Stanford says he’s “obsessed with bargain hunting, saving, and investing.” In this course, he shares his travel-hacking secrets for redeeming frequent flier miles and getting the most out of credit cards that offer airline points.